Sasseginaga Outpost
2 Chemin du lac Sasseginaga, Temiscaming, Quebec J0Z 3R0 Canada
email us at: sasseginagaoutpost@gmail.com ~ call or text (937) 408-1359

About the Fishing
The fishing on lake Sasseginaga is some of the best you will find in the eastern Ontario/ western Quebec region of Canada. It is far enough south for a fairly long growing season, yet somewhat difficult to access because of the lack of highways leading to the lake. It's remote location and relatively low fishing pressure combined with moderate fertility, abundant structure, and slot limits (walleye below 14.75" and above 20.5" must be released) allow lake Sasseginaga to remain a very healthy and sustainable walleye fishery.
Walleye numbers are very good and size is too! 5-10 fish/person days are fairly common when the weather cooperates and often one fourth of those fish will be over the slot! Fish over 24" are fairly abundant, and trophy fish in excess of 28" are caught by numerous guests each season.
It has been our experience (after of one year of operation, mind you) that the bigger fish are more abundant in the lower half of the lake in May, June, and early July, and tend to be found more frequently in the upper third of the lake as summer progresses.
In the spring and early summer, the hottest bite of the day usually starts about an hour and a half before sundown and lasts until the sun dips below the horizon. Fishing during this time period on top of the right shoal or shallow point can be absolutely fantastic! Casting 1/4 oz. jigs and plastic tails is our preferred tactic in this situation. (One fisherman caught and released 8 walleye between 15" and 20" one evening in 11 casts before leaving the shoal he was fishing in order to do more exploring.)
Northern pike and lake trout. These are the other two species of game fish on lake Sasseinaga. Northern pike numbers are not great, but there are some very nice ones. We have not targeted lake trout, however, and cannot give an accurate assessment of the lake for this species, but have heard that is a respectable fishery for them.
Please Note: We intend to do all we can to keep lake Sasseginaga the incredible fishery that it is. Even with slot limits in place, overharvest of fish can diminish the quality of fishing, so we truly appreciate guests who are conservation-minded as well. At the same time, though, it is every license holders right to take home a possession limit and we will certainly not discriminate against guests who wish to do so. However, guests who willingly and knowingly violate the law in regard to possession and slot limits will not be allowed to return to our camp for a period of at least 5 years